Monday, June 13, 2016


May 30, 2016

Hello Everyone,
How are you all doing? Well transfer 6 is over, it's crazy! This one flew by so fast! I can't even believe it. Transfer 7 here I come, woah! But it sounds like all is well from what I've read thus far from everyone that we are all happy and well. I hope you have a blast at Lake Powell, don't freeze! You're welcome for getting everyone into the lake, enjoy it without me, haha jokes! I'm 110% happy where I am.  Well, REESES PIECES HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I can't believe you're growing up so fast, just stop okay? Love you cutie pie! Have a great birthday. Well now onto the week, kind of a normal week so it won't be that long this week but first thing of the week we did a blitz here in Toyooka. So the two other sisters in our zone came and we just went and taught as many people as we could. It was so great, we saw so many miracles! We were able to find 3 new investigators and we are hoping that they can grow more and more. One amazing experience I had this week was being able to strive to be a better missionary as we travel. So I sat by this girl in the trainand just asked her how she was and how old she was etc. she tried answering a lot in English to impress me. She was so cute! Her name is Saki and she is 17 and just my best friend. So then I told her that we teach free English and she was so excited to come! Then she asked why we do that and why we would come to Japan? So I told her we teach about God and Christ and she said oh I am familiar with God and from what I know Christ is a great guy! That's the best thing to hear as a missionary. So I told her about God being our father in heaven and he loves us and Christ is his son. She asked if our church reads the bible because she was familiar with it, I told her of course but we also believe in the Book of Mormon. So I introduced how we got the Book of Mormon and how it changes our life. She read the intro and thought it was so cool a nd loved it. So we talked more about it then we finished and I was asking the elders a question then I look over at her and she was in 1 Nephi 4 already and was intently reading. It was amazing! She leaned over and asked me who Nephi was and all these questions so we studied together for awhile until she had to get off the train but we got her number and hopefully meet with her soon. Seriously, such an amazing experience for me to finally be more bold in my teaching on the trains, because of courage God helped me to touch her heart. The other cool thing of the week, the elders had a baptism! His name is Kumagai and he is so amazing. His love for Christ is indescribable. The because of him video is his favorite and he watches it about 4 times a day haha... Great isn't it.  His story is great, he had some word of wisdom struggles and the elder really pushed him and helped me for the past week and through many miracles and of course God and Christ's atonement, he was baptized on Sunday! He will be such an amazing member and will for sure be a big help to our branch. The baptism was just so spirit filled and you could see the joy in his face when he came up and he knew he was clean. Isn't baptism the best? It is the greatest feeling ever I love the gospel. Ah! Haha Well my spiritual thought of the week, a quote from Gordan B Hinkley, You're all that the lord has, so that makes you enough." And I just love that, when we feel we aren't enough, remember we are all he has so obviously it's enough because his work is growing and we are strong and overcome so many things. I challenge you all to pray to God and know that you are enough. No matter what you're going through knowing this will change your life. We are all enough, imperfect yes but imperfectly enough to do his work and be here. I know this is true. Without a doubt I know I'm far from perfect BUT I'm enough, my Japanese is enough, my knowledge is enough, to build his work with HIS help. Well I love you all! Not sure where I'll be next week, but I'll let you know. Haha new transfer here we come. I love you all so much! Forever grateful for your support and love. Keep relying on him and everything works out, I promise! #RELY #ENOUGH スミス姉妹

"Elders baptism. It was amazing!"

"After baptism party"

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