Monday, December 14, 2015


November 30, 2015

Minasan, Konichiwa! (Everyone, Hello!)

Well it sounds like it was a good week of thanks I loved seeing the pictures and stuff. Boy do I miss having thanksgiving.. Haha yes we did not have one here.. But it's all good, I'm still VERY thankful for all I'm blessed with. I hope you were too and always remember how blessed we are. Especially to have the knowledge of the gospel of Jesus Christ. But sounds like all is well with everyone which is always good to hear! Well this week was yes... another GREAT one! WEDNESDAY WAS THE BEST! We were going ALL day, literally every minute, every second haha I mean that can be tiring and hard but also they are the best days.  After we finished study, we had a lesson every hour that whole day. So total we taught of 7 lessons! That's a lot in one day here in Japan...When we got home, we both just dropped haha we were exhausted but also I have never felt so much happiness and joy after helping so many people that day. I won't go in detail on lessons but there were some amazing lessons that day and the spirit was strong and led us on what to say to that certain person at that time. I love teaching others and just helping them feel Christ in their life, isn't that just the best?!  One of the best days of my mission this far for sure! Man, just talking about it again puts a big smile on my face.  I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY!  So we have this Filipino investigator, she is a single mom with 3 kids. She is SO cute! So we met with her twice this week, Monday's lesson was amazing.  We talked about the importance of reading the BOM everyday and how it will change her life. And the spirit was so strong during that whole lesson and you can tell her faith is growing more and more. We asked her if we could help her read the BOM everyday and she said it would be nice if we text her specific parts to read and we've been doing that and she always replies these sweet texts about how those were perfect and she is recognizing God more and more everyday. Then we had another lesson with her Thursday. We went to lunch with her and also Mami Shimai came and helped SO much. Our investigator doesn't have friends here and they connected so well and are now good friends. And it strengthened her by hearing Mami Shimai testify of the BOM and how it helps her. So we are really hopeful for her and hope she can keep progressing and get work off on Sunday so she can finally come to church. PRAY FOR THAT PLEASE! She's AMAZING.  So park mountain is the old man we found at the park this past week and we met with him everyday this week except Friday.. Yeah wow! But anyway, we teach him 30 English and 30 gospel. But when we told him he wanted it to be more English then gospel. So that wasn't ever a good sign... But when we taught him gospel he is really stubborn with thinking that just one church can be true, because he thinks there are a lot good people in other religions. So we asked him to pray to know God knows him and he said he doesn't know if he can then our next lesson he just wanted to do like all English and just wasn't really into gospel.. So it was super hard.. We just aren't sure what to do to hero him. He came to church again so that was great but he just doesn't have the interest of gospel so these situations are hard. So we also have a Mongolian mom who is an investigator, she hasn't been able to meet a lot lately because she has a ton of school and research. But we finally met, and then she tells us she is going back to Mongolia for 2 months.. So she is kind of on a pause right now... I'll update you on her later I guess so that's hard. We also this week were able to visit a lot of members and up life them. I know everyone thinks missionary work is just baptizing or whatever but I've learned that being a FULL PURPOSE missionary is helping less actives, investigators, companions, strangers, and members. We must help everyone and up life them. I've seen us help members and I know and feel the Saviors approval and love for that. There is so much you can do to be a missionary. SO MUCH Sunday our branch had a pot luck.. Haha how funny to see Asians bring a ton of food and just eat and eat! But boy was it delicious and I made rice pudding for it and no one had ever tried it so they all loved it so I was happy haha I wasn't sure if it would be too sweet or not but hey they all said it was yummy so.. Thought of the week, "We may not know when or how the Lord’s answers will be given, but in His time and His way, I testify, His answers will come. For some answers we may have to wait until the hereafter. This may be true for some promises in our patriarchal blessings and for some blessings for family members. Let us not give up on the Lord. His blessings are eternal, not temporary." Waiting Upon the Lord: Thy Will be Done By: Robert D Hales I know for me some times I want to give up on asking questions or for things because I'm not receiving answers. But as I read this, I just thought wow, we should never give up on prayers because we can receive an answer anytime even if it takes years or the after life. We must trust in God that when we receive that answer, it's the right time for us. So I challenge you this week of you are struggling with trusting in God and when or how he answers you're prayers. Please be patient and keep praying to him. He will answer, it may not be what or when you want but he will answer and it will help and strengthen you. I have seen that here as a missionary. Patient and trust in our Heavenly Father. He loves all ofyou and knows you better than anyone. Trust him, talk to him, about ANYTHING! He cares about every single detail in your life, isn't that such a blessing?! So please pray pray and pray. Answers and help come, but on his timing which is the best timing.  I love you all and miss you lots! But boy am I happy doing this work, i hope you all have a great week. We will too I know it!  #RELY #TRUSTスミス姉妹 Smith Shimai 
Lunch with the Filipino mommy and Mami Shimai in our ward

Dinner at the Sato Family.  Yes I curled my hair..Haha

Sweet less active, the lady we helped that was stuck last week.  Such amazing faith in one women

My comp took this of me while shopping, haha

These girls were so excited to see Americans haha they screamed when we said hi to them, so funny how much they love Americans.  When we walked by they were like "kawaii so!"  Or like so cute! Haha

This is a Brazilian who is moving to our branch soon.  LOVE HER TO DEATH, she thinks we are so great ha it's so fun.

FHE Night

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